Dexter The Game Pc Iso

Daxter is a cute and fun spin off featuring the half otter, half weasel character by the same name. Daxter is a beloved side kick for his trash talking and saucy attitude, and now he gets his own chance to shine. In this game, you control Daxter for his own time in the spotlight.

Unlike the original, Dexter: The Game 2 offers much more freedom in exploring the game world. Developers also took care of the endless pool of channels to be exterminated. The game was created primarily for smartphones, so the audio-visual setting of its PC. Dexter Morgan is a blood-spatter analyst working for the Miami Metro Police Department, but he leads a double life as a serial killer with his own code of only picking victims who are responsible for the death of others. Based on first season of the Showtime television series, you play as Dexter. This game is a classic platformer, with skill jumps and maneuvering the platform taking the lead over everything else—including fighting. While there is still plenty of action in the game, platforming is the main function of the game. What makes the game so much fun to play however, is how sensitive the controls are. The game is a based on most popular TV series named as Dexter.'s game information and ROM (ISO) download page for Dexter's Laboratory - Mandark's Lab (Sony Playstation). In this game, the player can take on the role of a Dexter Morgan in Miami place, and the ultimate task of the player investigates the crime scenes as the blood.

In this game, the usual main character and Daxter’s friend, Jak, has ended up in jail. Daxter sets out with the intention of freeing him but ends up on a pest control team instead. He must free the city of bugs instead. If you’ve played Jack & Daxter or any of the other games in the series and liked them, you’ll love this one.

A Solid Platformer

This game is a cross between a platformer and a puzzler. You need to collect items in order to be successful in the game and use a fly swatter like contraption to zap robotic bugs in various places. The game has about 18 levels, and an objective for the level is given at each stage. There is a refreshing amount of variety in the game that helps to keep it from getting dull. One of the items you need to gather for example, are green balls of gas that refill your weapon. These balls don’t just kill bugs, they also help slow down your falls during epic jumps.

In some areas of the game you’ll face huge gaps between platforms you need to traverse, and the only way to do that is to gather those green balls in a specific order. This is just one example. The game keeps changing it from there, so while you have similar items, how you play is always changing. This keeps the game from feeling old or grindy, which is very refreshing.

Excellent Graphics

Another area this game stands out in is the graphics. The developers took pains to give detail to the backgrounds and characters. Lip syncing keeps up with the voice acting, and the character’s movement matches the personality of the characters.

Refined Control System

Dexter The Game Pc Iso

This game is a classic platformer, with skill jumps and maneuvering the platform taking the lead over everything else—including fighting. While there is still plenty of action in the game, platforming is the main function of the game.What makes the game so much fun to play however, is how sensitive the controls are. Everything from acceleration and deceleration to in-air movement can be refined with the controls, and that brings skill back to the gaming world in a wonderful way.

Even if you’ve never played the series before, you will love this game. Daxter is full of hilarious dialog, challenging platform sequences, and enough variety in gameplay so that you will never be bored. Many platformers end up being more adventure games than anything else, but the developers have brought platforming back in a new and exciting way. If you haven’t tried this game out yet, give it a go. You won’t regret it.


  • Thoughtfully detailed graphics
  • Challenging platforms
  • Skill based movement


  • None

Dexter The Game Pc Iso

Overall rating: 10


Nintendo has Mario. Sega has Sonic. Sony has Crash. Well, up until about a year ago, Sony had Crash. Due to the tangled web of licensing, Sony can no longer lay claims to Crash Bandicoot, their lovable unofficial mascot. So why is this relevant? Because, while Sony may no longer own exclusive rights to the Crash Bandicoot franchise, they do have exclusive rights to the development team that created Crash and all of his games (excluding the current PS2 version). This development team goes by the name Naughty Dog and Jak and Daxter is their first foray into the gaming world sans Crash Bandicoot. I guess they don't need a bandicoot to be successful after all.

The story begins with two ordinary fellas out poking around on an island of ruins when the careless Daxter falls into a pit of dark Eco. Once he drags himself out of the pit, he has been transformed into a cross between an otter and a ferret. It is up to Jak to brave the dangers of the world in an attempt to see his wisecracking buddy returned to his human form. While it is not an easy task, it is one that most gamers will accomplish and have a good time doing so.

Gameplay, Controls, Interface

You know the old saying 'do one thing and do it well' Naughty Dog has taken this saying to heart because Jak and Daxter is a platform/adventure game in the same vein as the Crash Bandicoot series. Before you groan, understand that this game is much more than a Crash offshoot. While it does have a very familiar and comfortable feel to it, it also has some unique features and ideas that give the game a personality all of its own.

You play the game as Jak. He has a number of moves that are easily executed with only a small amount of practice. Jak can jump, kick spin (okay, this was a Crash rip-off), punch, crouch, roll, dive attack, aerial attack and pull of a couple of different uppercut punches. Jak also has a first person camera that you are able to access by holding down a button. This will help you spot objectives, items in the distance or just plain help you get your bearings. Overall, he is a pretty well-stocked, yet somewhat clichéd platform character.

Daxter on the other hand, takes cliché to a whole new level. He is the comic relief that ended up losing humor after a short amount of time. Hey, I am all for the wise-cracking sidekick but if it is overused, we all know that the sidekick can start to grate on the nerves. Every time you die, good old Daxter has some witty comment to make. Okay, maybe I am being a little harsh and I bet the younger kids will love him but about 20 minutes into the game I was asking myself the question: Why the hell am I wasting my time trying to help this annoying thing out?

Anyway, moving on, the basics of the game have Jak seeking out Power Cells. These Power Cells have a number of uses but they are primarily used to open new areas of the game. The Power Cells can be obtained a number of ways. Sometimes they are simply floating around and you just need to walk up to them and pick them up; other times you will kill an enemy and they will drop one. Each area of the world has seven special boxes that if all seven are collected, you will receive a Power Cell.

When you are not collecting Power Cells, you will be collecting Precursor Orbs. These orbs are found floating around all locations of the world. The unique thing about the Orbs is that they are generally considered currency. People will trade a number of Orbs for a Power Cell. This brings me to one of the more innovative features of the game. There are a number of NPCs (Non-Player Characters) who will gladly give up their Power Cell to you for the right number of Precursor Orbs. For example, one of the first people you meet is the Mayor. He tells you that if you will contribute 90 Orbs to his re-election fund, he will give you a Power Cell. This type of bartering kept the game fun and fresh.

Another innovative addition to the game was Eco. Eco is a shimmering colored substance that will enhance Jaks abilities for a short period of time. There are four main types of Eco that you will come across. Green Eco, the most common, helps you recover energy or life. If you collect 50 small units of green Eco, it will replenish one unit of your life (you have a total of three life units). You can also find a large green Eco, which replenishes one unit instantly, and a Green Eco vent, which replenishes you to 100% health. There is also red Eco, which increases the power of your attacks, blue Eco, which expands your abilities and affects the environment (it allows you to open doors or use platforms otherwise not available) and finally yellow Eco, which allows you to shoot enemies. All Eco aside from the green has limited time duration in which the special ability is active so you must act quickly when you have Eco active on you.

Dexter The Game Pc Iso File

Finally, the world in which you play is huge. You can see great distances and everything you see, you will have access to at some point. It was very refreshing to play a game like this that really provides little direction and leaves things up to you. There are a number of mini-quests and mini-games that you can play but it is totally up to you to decide when you want to complete them. That being said, there are also a number of times where you are following a predetermined path, more along the lines of a traditional platform game and there is not a lot you can do about it. Overall, there was a good balance of free exploration and pre-set paths.


This is the most difficult section for me to write. On one hand, this game sports some of the best graphics I have seen on any console but, on the other hand, there are a few negatives that need to be mentioned. Let's start with the good since they outweigh the bad. First, the overall look of this game is amazing. The colors are bright and vivid and run in beautiful high resolution. The fire particularly had a bright, realistic look including distortion directly above the flame resembling heat rising off actual fire. All of the animations are perfectly executed and the cast of characters is well done. This is what I was expecting when I forked over my $300 for the PS2.

The downside to such a beautiful game is the hardware just can't take all of the action that is getting pumped through it. There were numerous occasions where the game would slow and it was almost negligible and there were other times where it would slow and it could really be seen. One particularly bad instance was about 20 percent of the way through the game, I found myself in an arena, somewhat akin to the sort used by gladiators. All of a sudden, fast moving enemies rushed me from multiple directions while birds are dropping bombs from the sky. I could almost hear my PS2 screaming uncle and, in this example, gameplay was affected.


The audio is well done. The sound effects fit what you would expect out of a game like this and the voice acting was also what you would expect -- a bit over the top, but fun. Considering Dee Snider from Twisted Sister is one of the voices, you know it has to be over the top. Then there is Daxter. I already expressed my annoyance with him earlier so I won't rehash it here, but suffice it to say, he is one sore spot on the audio section.

Bottom Line

If you are looking for a great action/platform game, look no further. Jak and Daxter fulfilled my expectations. I am glad Naughty Dog did not try and make this the next Crash Bandicoot game with a new name slapped on it, which would have been the easy thing to do. While this game borrows some elements from Crash, it borrows elements from a number of other platform games out there as well. I was a tad disappointed in the slowdowns but, given the beauty of the game, it was forgivable. Overall, this game is good fun for the whole family and will make you proud to own a PS2.

Overall rating: 7